NYU Langone Levit Medical

Brooklyn branch

NYU Langone Levit Medical has three convenient locations that offer specialties ranging from internal medicine and podiatry to acupuncture and cardiology, all in a warm and caring environment. Patients also have seamless access to the world-class outpatient and inpatient care at NYU Langone Medical Center in Manhattan if they require more complex procedures or surgery.

Our doctors offices make taking care of your health as easy as possible - for instance, you can visit the chiropractor, have a physical therapy session, and see your gynecologist all at our Midwood location. Whether you need travel vaccines, treatment for a sports injury, or cardiovascular testing, you can get it at NYU Langone Levit Medical, without too much interruption to your daily routine.


Волпин Марина, Терапевт

Борис Цикерман, Терапевт

Ирина Авручевская, Терапевт

Янина Белоцерковская, Терапевт

Инна Гейлер, Терапевт

Евгения Кантор, Эндоскринолог

Мара Хайломская, Терапевт

Белла Кушнир, Терапевт

Даниил Макаров, Уролог


1220 Avenue P, Brooklyn, NY, 11229, U.S.A.


Справочная: 646-929-7800



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